FCNY 812 Broadway, New York City. FCLA 535 N Fairfax, Los Angeles. FC Miami 3910 NE 1st Ave, Miami. Lunar New Year. Trending. Air Jordans; Nike Zoom GT Cut 3; AE Shop the New Balance 997 'Chinese New Year' and discover the latest shoesNew Balance from New Balance and more at Flight Club, the most trusted name in authentic sneakers since 2005. Shop the Superstar 'Chinese New Year' and discover the latest shoesadidas from Adidas and more at Flight Club, the most trusted name in authentic sneakers since 2005. 中国元素再现 Air Jordan 正代球鞋,这款 Air Jordan 12 “Chinese New Year” 从头到尾都流露着中国风的感受! 在配色上采用了白黑搭配,远远看去像极了 Taxi 金扣!不过这双新品却是 “木扣” 呈现!鞋带扣和鞋帮中部的铭牌,都采用了木质质感的材质打造。 Air Jordan 11 “Chinese New Year” 大红新年定制款 2016-01-15 | FLIGHTCLUB中文站 » 一款颇具中国新年节日氛围的定制鞋款亮相,The Remade 带来他们的最新作品,以大热鞋型 Air Jordan 11 为蓝本,打造了眼前这款大红配色的 Air Jordan 11 “Chinese New Year” 中国新年定制款。 今天,NIKEiD 为我们开启了 “Chinese New Year” 的球鞋定制服务。同样选用经典的 Air Force 1 Low 为蓝本,而此番以即将到来的 2017 鸡年为灵感,将中国传统的凤凰图案与代表着中华美德的标志性文字加入到定制选项当中。 Shop the Air Flightposite One 'Chinese New Year' and discover the latest shoesNike from Nike and more at Flight Club, the most trusted name in authentic sneakers since 2005. About Chinese New Year. We’re on a mission to provide the most comprehensive, educational and fun online resource for all things Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year). As one of the top visited sites during the holiday, we serve millions of visitors a year, and are always working to keep our content fresh and engaging. Some of our most popular Além disso, o Adidas ADI2000 Chinese New Year apresenta detalhes em mandarim na língua, que significam “prosperidade” e “boa sorte”, reforçando a temática do Ano Novo Chinês. É um tênis que combina estilo, cultura e conforto em uma única peça, ideal para quem busca um calçado diferenciado e com significado especial. Composição 中国农历春节即将来临,Jordan Brand 特意打造了一款中国春节配色。眼前这款 Air Jordan 1 "Chinese New Year" 以喜庆的大红色作为主色调,设计主题则围绕“恭喜发财”来展开,在鞋帮上带有白色刺绣,呈现出繁体“發”字,后跟也带有“發財”两字。 Shop the Jordan 1 Low OG 'Chinese New Year' and discover the latest shoesAir Jordan from Air Jordan and more at Flight Club, the most trusted name in authentic sneakers since 2005. International shipping available. Shop the Jordan 1 Retro Low OG 'Chinese New Year Year Of The Tiger' and discover the latest shoesAir Jordan from Air Jordan and more at Flight Club, the most trusted name in authentic sneakers since 2005. International shipping available. 今天,NIKEiD 为我们开启了 “Chinese New Year” 的球鞋定制服务。同样选用经典的 Air Force 1 Low 为蓝本,而此番以即将到来的 2017 鸡年为灵感,将中国传统的凤凰图案与代表着中华美德的标志性文字加入到定制选项当中。 Shop the Ja 1 'Chinese New Year' and discover the latest shoesNike from Nike and more at Flight Club, the most trusted name in authentic sneakers since 2005. Shop the Jordan 6 Low 'Lunar New Year' and discover the latest shoesAir Jordan from Air Jordan and more at Flight Club, the most trusted name in authentic sneakers since 2005. International shipping available. Shop the Wmns Jordan 1 Low SE 'Year Of The Dragon' and discover the latest shoesAir Jordan from Air Jordan and more at Flight Club, the most trusted name in authentic sneakers since 2005. International shipping available. Shop the Jordan 12 Retro GG 'Chinese New Year' and discover the latest shoesAir Jordan from Air Jordan and more at Flight Club, the most trusted name in authentic sneakers since 2005. 为迎接中国新年的来临,Converse Aero Jam “Chinese New Year” 在经典鞋型上以特别的质感和细节呈现。采用了黑色牛巴革打造鞋身,点缀金黄色细节,反差效果十分抢眼。而菱形鞋带盖的设计则颇为特别,为今年的年货采购又带来了新的选择。 这款 Jordan Super.Fly 4 PO “Chinese New Year” 预计将于 1 月 23 日正式发售,售价为 $180 美元,这样的中国风呈现是否会得到市场的认可,拭目以待吧! 货号:840476-060 发售日期:1 月 23 日 中国元素再现 Air Jordan 正代球鞋,这款 Air Jordan 12 “Chinese New Year” 从头到尾都流露着中国风的感受! 在配色上采用了白黑搭配,远远看去像极了 Taxi 金扣!不过这双新品却是 “木扣” 呈现!鞋带扣和鞋帮中部的铭牌,都采用了木质质感的材质打造。
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