Performer 演唱: 阿貳Lyrics 作詞:嫩草、阿貳Music 作曲:阿貳Video uploaded for entertainment purpose. The Teochew Store does NOT own the rights to the music in this video, and Video uploaded for entertainment purpose. Copyright belongs to CSTVFor more great Teochew music, videos, articles and books, visit Performer 演唱: 阿貳 Lyrics 作詞:嫩草、阿貳 Music 作曲:阿貳 Lyrics /歌詞: 時間真實是過得猛 唔知防又到了年尾 昨暝接著亞媽個電話 伊惦叫我呾車票著先去㓦 我也想欲早一日回家 好燒護彩屯陪亞媽做粿 離家千里有幾次呾夢話 今年春節放假我硬否欲回家 Chinese New Year is the first 15 days of the new Lunar Calendar of the Chinese. In the year 2020, the first day falls on 25th Jan. Here is a collection CNY Teochew songs found on Youtube. Teochew Chinese New Year Song 潮州新年歌曲:擔句好話賀新年 February 07, 2016 Not a exactly new New Year Song, but trendy and uplifting for all Gaginang. Chinese New Year 텢텢텢 Song 藍藍藍 Comedy END 163. 텢텢텢 Teochew Song 187 - Goodbye 2021 (潮州歌 - 告别2021) 162. Teochew Advice - Pamper Not (潮州建议 - 不要宠爱) Music expresses the soul of a people. Since the Song dynasty (960-1279), the Teochew people have had our own music tradition that is distinct from other Chinese regional music. Shaped by Teochew folk sensibilities, it is characterised by an intense concern with melodic variation. There are seven main genres of traditional Teochew music 4 May - Teochew Songs Page updated 1 May - New Dialect TV series from Singapore 2019 29 Apr - Products page updated 24 Apr - Video added to Wang Sa Ya Fong page 17 Mar - Christchurch mosque shootings: Teochew Chinese delegates pledge $1.2 million 17 Mar - New series added to 2019 Videos page 21 Feb-Added Photos of Yahui Performer 演唱: 阿貳、阿荣Lyrics 作詞:阿貳Music 作曲:阿貳Copyright: 人在揭阳Video uploaded for entertainment purpose. The Teochew Store does 潮汕新春贺岁选曲01. 潮汕新童谣 《过新年》02. 《好日子》 方少珊03. 《喜气洋洋笑春风》 林美纯04. 《龙凤呈祥》05. 《十二 Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Today is the 15th and last day of the Chinese New Year. Also called Tsap Ngou Meh 十五暝 or Nguang Siao Zoih 元宵節. Teochews mark this day with prayers for the family, more feasting, riddle guessing games and open lantern parades. Chinese New Year Songs7 songs in this video.More can be found at this site: Originally sung by Teresa Teng (鄧麗君), this is the teochew version of her hokkien song. It urges young men not to neglect their parents after getting married. the song was relyric by himself, a talented guy especially in dirty song. This is the case, no matter whether this last lunar month – prior to Chinese New Year – has 29 or 30 days. On the first day of Chinese New Year, you will see Chinese families, dressed typically in red, visiting extended family members. Now, what are some festive greetings that we can use? 【2025新年歌】💖蛇年歌曲100首~ Happy Chinese New Year Song 20245新年好 🧨 祝你新的一年身体健康、家庭幸福 For more: brings you the cultural s Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
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